A little life update
How are we all doing? It's been a little while since I have last posted hasn't it. Life just carried on going and for a little while I felt as though life was in the fast lane while I was stuck in the pit stop. However, I am back now!
I thought seeing as I have been gone for a little while I would give you a little life update, although, I'm not entirely sure how interesting my life actually is. First things first, I want to share the most amazing news I have, I HAVE MY DREAM JOB. Let me just say that again... I HAVE MY DREAM JOB!
For as long as I can remember all I have ever wanted to do was become a pre-school teacher and I am so proud of myself for following my heart and getting myself the position! It's an apprenticeship to begin with which means the wage is absolutely poor but I don't even care! I start April 14th and I am early counting down the days.
I don't have anything as exciting as that to share so I'll share the boring bits with you too. I very stupidly sprained my left wrist, I am now in a splint, I will not share the embarrassing way it happened but it definitely will not happen again. Since last being on here, I am still "seeing" someone who I think is really great and I get all weird around him. I'm not putting any pressure on whatever it may transpire to be, because for now, I am incredibly happy and want to just continue being just that.
I have finally opened up about my mental health and I am now getting the guidance I need. It's nothing to worry about, just sometimes in life you need that little extra helping hand to stop your workload over-spilling, so I have taken that helping hand. Like everyone, I have my up days and I have my down days, but what's best to do is to keep on moving through the storm and find those things that bring the sun back. Does that make sense?
I have created a second blog, solely for my travel posts because I want to pursue that a lot more too! If you want to head on over and give that a follow please do! I don't have anything live yet because we are still in lockdown but I promise I will be working hard on that as soon as I possibly can! You can find that over on AlannaJean.com
I have started to get noticed with this blog which is great, so expect to see some more AD posts in the future. I've carefully selected the brands/people I collaborate with to match with my visions and my values, so I hope you enjoy them as much as I do! In relation to AD posts, I would love it if you could check out my Instagram while you're here, I've changed my feed a little but I hope you still enjoy the content. If Instagram isn't your thing, then like/follow my Facebook page instead, that would be a great help!
I know I haven't been very active on my YouTube either but I just haven't had much to film, I do the same things day in, day out! I will get back to filming soon, I'm hoping Jack and I can film a fun little video where he does my make-up but we'll see. After today, my posting will be at least two posts a week, sometimes more, but it all depends on how much work I have to complete first.
I'd love to know how you've all been! Do you have any exciting news to share with me? Are you excited to be leaving your homes soon as lockdown lifts or are you just muddling along as best you can? No matter what it is, come and chat! A friendly face is always appreciated.
I'll be back soon!
Until then,
Stay safe.
Lots of love,
Alanna Jean x