The A=Z Tag
Happy Wednesday! I am back and I am feeling slightly shitty but also slightly relieved that my first interview went as well as it possibly could have from my end. I have also completed a 4 mile walk today so I am ready to head to bed soon.
I wanted to post something a little different today, something so that you can get to know me better. I've seen those posts where you share 10 facts about yourself but honestly I don't think I can come up with 10 interesting facts, so I've decided to do things a little differently. I'd love to know your answers too!
The A-Z tag
A ~ Animal you love
This changes a lot for me simply because I'll find a new animal and fall in love with it, but for now it's penguins and elephants are still a strong contender for my number one spot.
B ~ Best feature
I am a true lover of my eyes. Someone very cute calls me bright eyes and that melts my heart a little.
C ~ Colour I like
I have always loved rose gold.
D ~ Dream of mine
I have a lot of dreams but I think the main one I am working towards right now is getting a place of my own.
E ~ Element I connect with
I genuinely believe I have a huge connection with water. which explains why I am so drawn to the beach.
F ~ Favourite TV show at the moment
I don't have a favourite TV show, right now I am back into my reading.
G ~ Greatest achievement
I always say my greatest achievement is still being alive.
H ~ Height
I don't actually know, I think its 5ft 9 but I could be wrong.
I ~ In love with
Myself, my life right now, my family and my friends.
J ~ Job of my dreams
For as long as I can remember my dream job has been to be a teacher, that and turn my blog into my own business.
K ~ Kids I want
If one day I am blessed with having them, I would like two. I have my names picked out already.
L ~ Languages I speak
This is a grand total of 1, English.
M ~ Magical powers I want
I think teleportation would be cool but also to never feel pain, I'd enjoy that one.
N ~ Number of siblings
There's five of us altogether, I have an older brother, two younger sisters and a younger brother. Technically I have a younger step-brother and a younger step-sister too.
O ~ One favourite song
If you know me, you'd know my favourite song is The Scientist by Coldplay
P ~ Personality
I'd say I am quite shy until you get to know me, I am adventurous, smart, and funny.
Q ~ Quote I live by
I have a lot of quotes I live by, but one that's stuck with me lately is "life ain't no merry-go-round", take what you will from that one.
R ~ Reasons to smile
Right now, I have many reasons to smile, my family is a big one but I may also be crushing on someone and they make me smile a lot.
S ~ Style
I have no style at all, I will wear whatever I feel comfortable in and that's that.
T ~ Time I wake up
This varies all the time, so it can be anywhere from 4am - 12pm!
U ~ Underrated feature
I think maybe my lips.
V ~ Vacation place
I think Somerset will always hold a very special place in my heart. I think I did a lot of self-exploring while I was there and yes, while I think it would be odd to go back because I experienced it with my ex, I also believe that I need to go back and truly recognise what it is that I felt while I was there.
W ~ Worst habit
My worst habit is probably putting myself down, I do this a lot and I seem to forget to give myself credit where credit is due. I'm not as bad as I think I am.
X ~ X-rays I've had
I've had a few, one particular one I remember is when I sprained my ankle, my Nan took me to the hospital and I was laying across the backseats because I was in so much pain. That's the first time I ever tried the Caramac chocolate bar too.
Y ~ YouTubers
I watch a lot of Lucy Flight, Ebony Day/ Our Tiny Tribe and a lot of the Sidemen.
Z ~ Zodiac
I am an Aquarius.
Thank you for reading today's blog post, I hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little better. As I said, I would love to know your answers too, even if you just comment one thing below.
I'll be back soon,
Until then,
Stay safe.
Alanna Jean x